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My First Ever Coaching Client

Writer's picture: Kapil PankhaniaKapil Pankhania

As a coach, the first person I helped wasn’t a friend, family member, or even a colleague.

During a trip to Bulgaria three years ago, I got to know a group of people on the same excursion as me.

One of them was David, who lived only around 30 miles away from me in the UK.

Small world, eh?

We got talking about how I was trying to make my way into the coaching world.

David agreed to be my first ever coaching client.

We had our first session a week later in the UK.

What was the approach?

David wasn’t entirely sure which area of his life he wanted to improve or further explore.

So, we agreed to use a ‘Wheel of Life’ model to analyse a variety of areas of his life.

What was the outcome?

Having had regular sessions across two months, David's achievements included:

45 minutes of physical activity, 3 times/week, including 1 swimming session.

8 hours set aside every week to get his gardening business idea off the ground.

Spending on alcohol was cut down by 35%, and the savings were put towards his pension.

For three evenings/week, two hours were committed to having quality time with parents.

How was this possible?

🎯 Setting realistic goals to keep David motivated.

🎯 Keeping David accountable through regular sessions and agreeing on clear timelines.

🎯 Empowering David to take action on the areas of his life that mattered to him the most.

David and I have kept in touch to this day, and he is still thriving more than he ever had before.

At this early stage of my coaching journey, I realised just how powerful it is to explore one’s potential, and then go on to make that a reality.

What could your potential look like?

Click here to book a call with me.

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